Monday, December 19, 2011

Is this the worst pot-luck dinner experience ever?

Our office Xmas party was a complete disaster. Sad thing is that everyone had been taking about it for weeks and how great it would be, what with the wide range of ethnic people (it really is like the UN with so many different nationalities). Everything was going fine, but when it was time to do select and eat the food a nasty fight ensued. Someone suggested to a Finnish man that he try some of the caesar salad, to which he replied "What, I don't eat rabbit food"...and went on and on about how it should have been a meat dish instead. The lady who made the food was in ear shot and actually took her hand and THREW a handful of the salad at the guy and went storming out of the room to the washroom. Half the party emptied to try to comfort her....the whole thing went down hill from there. People quickly ate and left........the office Xmas gifts were given out the next day by the mail clerk. Since then the morale in the office has been terrible. I guess all I can say about this is that you need to realize that little flare ups can occur when cultures mix. Too bad because it all seemed like such a good idea. I doubt we will have any celebrations at all next year. Anybody else have any experiences like this???


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