Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How bad does it suck where you live?

I live in the Phoenix area and we've been getting record heat for the last 12 days...and summer hasn't even started yet! To make things worse, we got a rare heavy rainstorm last night and nobody in this town has the slightest bit of knowledge as to how to drive in the rain. I was driving down the road last night and as I came up to the traffic light, some guy in the car next to me started hydroplaning and nearly took off my front end. I swerved to the right to avoid the accident and ended up taking the curb with the penger side wheels. Turns out, the guy got away scott free and I wound up with 2 flat tires and broken rims. Only then did I realize that I had left my cell phone at home so I had to walk 1/2 mile in the rain to find someone to help me! Add that into the fact that I'm going thru chemotherapy right now...I had no energy to make that walk in the first place, but where I found help was at this apartment complex down the road where cops were in the process of arresting 3 teenage boys for throwing rocks at the light rail train (public transportation)! The window they broke cost $10,000! But everyone I asked at the train station claimed they didn't have a cell phone for me to use. Here I am a bald woman with a bandana on my's obvious that I'm sick...and no one besides the cops I end up upon would help me. One guy even told me that his cell phone just died a few minutes ago...what a load of crap! So if you want to know where the most reckless drivers and the most unhelpful citizens live, just drive down Apache BLVD in Tempe, Arizona!


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