Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Americans: Do you realize how ridiculous and inhumane we look to Europeans?

I studied abroad in France AND Argentina and they couldn't understand why Americans didn't want to give everybody health care. I explained to them, with shame, that American society is not very egalitarian and that we let money trump humanity. They just simply can't fathom why we spend our time arguing over a basic human right that almost everyone in the developed world has (minus us). With the victory of Brown in MA., universal health care is a goner. I don't have insurance because I'm a recent college graduate and I can't find a job in this market related to my major, so I'm stuck being a cashier at Walmart and they won't offer me health insurance. I can't get private insurance because I have a pre-existing condition (seasonal allergies). Does anybody see how WRONG we are as a society when we bicker over who gets to see a doctor? If you don't I'm convinced you're just plain evil.


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